长干行·其一 李白
The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter
The inspiration for the Poetry Series comes from nineteen classical Chinese poems translated by American Ezra Pound, one of the most influential poets of the 20th century. His translations, entitled CATHAY, were published in 1915 and had a profound influence on 20th-century poetry. CATHAY spawned, among other things, the imagist movement, which helped to generate a widespread interest in Asian literature and thought.
Poet T.S. Eliot called Pound "the inventor of Chinese poetry." Specifically, Eliot had in mind Pound’s ability to interpret Chinese verse to suit the temperament and imagination of western readers. For me, Pound’s most important contribution was his “discovery” of some great ancient Chinese poets with a poet’s eyes. An exquisite convergence of West and East proves the most beautiful parts of human expression can surmount race and culture.
The Poetry Series is a multi-layered visual interpretation of the relationship between Pound and the Chinese poets, such as Lipo; it reveals how the interpretation intersects with my experience of them today. Each poem is portrayed in two images, one in color, the other in black and white; simple colors and low contrast suggest the indirect and metaphorical qualities of traditional-style Chinese painting. Though two photographs accompany each poem, the images are not intended to be discrete; instead, they are presented as hyphenations—hinting at the inseparable interplay of poetic word wedded to nuanced image.

Song of The Bowman of Shu

Poem By The Bridge at Ten-Shin

游仙诗·翡翠戏兰芍 郭璞
Sennin Poem by Kakuhaku

送友人入蜀 李白
Leave-taking Near Shoku

长安古意 卢照邻
Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu

Exile's Letter

The Jewel Stair's Grievance

登金陵凤凰台 李白
The City of Choan

送友人 李白
Taking Leave of a Friend
长干行·其一 李白
The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter
The inspiration for the Poetry Series comes from nineteen classical Chinese poems translated by American Ezra Pound, one of the most influential poets of the 20th century. His translations, entitled CATHAY, were published in 1915 and had a profound influence on 20th-century poetry. CATHAY spawned, among other things, the imagist movement, which helped to generate a widespread interest in Asian literature and thought.
Poet T.S. Eliot called Pound "the inventor of Chinese poetry." Specifically, Eliot had in mind Pound’s ability to interpret Chinese verse to suit the temperament and imagination of western readers. For me, Pound’s most important contribution was his “discovery” of some great ancient Chinese poets with a poet’s eyes. An exquisite convergence of West and East proves the most beautiful parts of human expression can surmount race and culture.
The Poetry Series is a multi-layered visual interpretation of the relationship between Pound and the Chinese poets, such as Lipo; it reveals how the interpretation intersects with my experience of them today. Each poem is portrayed in two images, one in color, the other in black and white; simple colors and low contrast suggest the indirect and metaphorical qualities of traditional-style Chinese painting. Though two photographs accompany each poem, the images are not intended to be discrete; instead, they are presented as hyphenations—hinting at the inseparable interplay of poetic word wedded to nuanced image.
Song of The Bowman of Shu
Poem By The Bridge at Ten-Shin
游仙诗·翡翠戏兰芍 郭璞
Sennin Poem by Kakuhaku
送友人入蜀 李白
Leave-taking Near Shoku
长安古意 卢照邻
Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu
Exile's Letter
The Jewel Stair's Grievance
登金陵凤凰台 李白
The City of Choan
送友人 李白
Taking Leave of a Friend